Break-Even Point Break-Even Analysis Calculator Zoho Inventory

breakeven calculator

If your business sells a product, enter the cost of the components that go into making the product. Make sure to enter the component costs consistently relative to the unit selling price. Imagine you sell hotdogs, and you want to know how many hot dogs you need to sell to reach your BEP. You buy hotdog rolls in packages of a dozen, and the hotdogs in boxes of forty-eight. You should not enter the total cost of a package of rolls and a package of hotdogs. Instead, you should enter the cost of an individual roll and a single hotdog.

Calculate your total variable costs per unit

  1. The calculations will show you if your prices are compatible with your break even units goals.
  2. It also covers any fixed and variable costs incurred on a monthly basis.
  3. That means that the more people want things, the higher the demand.
  4. Quantifying those components correctly allows you to identify areas where you may be able to cut costs.

The calculations will show you if your prices are compatible with your break even units goals. You might decide to raise the prices, but the comparable items in the market must be considered before doing that. For example, raising prices doesn’t necessarily mean more profit as sales are typically demand led. That means that the more people want things, the higher the demand. The less availability, the easier it is to increase the relative value of a product.

Business Planning

breakeven calculator

If you are a house painter, and your average price for painting a house is $7,000, a break-even analysis will calculate how many homes you must paint each month to cover your costs. Also calculates fixed, variable, and component costs as a percentage of sales. A unit ties back to what you entered for the “selling price per unit.” If you have a lease on a building or vehicle, you’ll have to make the periodic lease payments regardless of business conditions.

Semi-variable costs comprise a mixture of both fixed and variable components. Costs are fixed for a set level of production or consumption and become variable after this production level is exceeded. For example, fixed expenses such as salaries might increase in proportion to production volume increases in the form of overtime pay. Whether you’re trying to promote your brand-new product, stay ahead of your competitors, or cut down on your expenses, you need to have a strategy in place. This helps you craft a more formidable strategy and reap better benefits for your company.

External circumstances, like trade agreements and changes in the political climate, have an impact on your sales. In such cases, break-even analysis will help you to decide on new prices for your products. The break-even point gives you a clear picture of how much time will it take for your business to recover any losses and break even again after a change in the business forecast. Fixed costs are expenses that typically stay the same each month, while variable costs increase or decrease based on a company’s production volume.

What is a break-even analysis?

Increasing product lines may be a cheap solution (say you have a shop or warehouse, adding more product lines will likely add little to your holistic operational costs). When taking this approach, it is important to consider the product break even point (or line item break even point) as well as the overall break even point for the business or sub business units. With the break even result you can start to analyze the micro components that create the overall cost. Quantifying those components correctly allows you to identify areas where you may be able to cut costs. It’s important to study the feasibility of any project or new product line that you’re planning to launch. With break-even analysis, you can identify the time and price at which your business will turn profitable.

breakeven calculator

In that case, your BEP is the average number of trips you must make. It will quickly calculate the units you need to sell to reach the break-even point (BEP). The difference between a business that sells a service versus one that manufactures or resells a product is, a manufacturer or reseller has component costs. On the other hand, you may decide to enter your average income per day, and then your BEP will be the number of days you need to drive. Once you know the number of break even units, it will give you a target which you and your staff can aim towards.

At this point the profit will be 0 and any income earned beyond that point would start adding into your profits. You might want to add new products to sell to reach the break even point. This can be particularly useful if you are considering break even from an overall business perspective.

If you sell less than that, you make a loss, and if you sell more than that, you make a profit. The BEP is the number of units that you must sell for a deal or business to break-even. Then from time-to-time, you may tweak the numbers and rerun your break-even analysis.

How do you calculate the break-even point?

In order to calculate your break even point (the point where your sales cover all of your expenses), you will need to know three key numbers. If you enter your average income per day, then the BEP is the number of days you must drive to break even. Remember, the break-even point is the number of units you must sell so that your business has neither a profit nor a loss. Notice how the calculator automatically calculates the cumulative cost total. Since Jill wants to know how many hours she needs to bill a month, she will enter all expenses as monthly expenses. So, the break even point corresponds to the number of units you need to sell in order to break even.

How to use break even calculations

A business cannot eliminate a fixed cost even if business conditions change. If you sell a service and want the BEP expressed in the number of hours you must bill each month to break-even, you need to enter your investment banking modeling course hourly rate. If you need the BEP expressed in the number of days, enter your daily rate. Compare cost, overheads and business factors again return to calculate your break even point when selling multiple items/products. If you entered the average price per trip and entered all your expenses as expenses per week, for you, the BEP is the number of trips you must make per week. Or perhaps you are an Uber driver who wants to know your break-even point.

This is why big companies like apple release their new iPhone in a controlled manner. Their strategy being to create demand and sustain that demand for as long as possible to keep the prices high. Cheaper phones manufactures will happily flood the market as they are looking at a smaller profit margin with the aim of high unit sales. Of course, blog as with fixed costs, one business’s variable costs could be another business’s fixed cost. If your company has a twelve-month contract for local newspaper advertising, you might want to consider advertising a fixed cost. The break even analysis helps you calculate out your break-even point.